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J.R. 边缘 was the Northwest Normal School's Superintendent of Construction and Maintenance.  从1917年到1927年,布林克每年种植300棵树.  边缘's work is directly responsible for the campus being designated as the Missouri State Arboretum in 1993.边缘's love of landscaping with trees resulted in a dense forest on practically all land that did not have buildings.  他的作品很快被称为“布林克森林”.View toward the President's House (憔悴的房子) from the top of a residence hall.  (大卫·杜瓦尔捐赠.)Well-worn dirt path leading up to the Administration Building.   The route, called the "Long Walk," was lined with hundreds of trees - most famously birches.多于1,300棵树提供春天的花朵, 夏季遮阳, 秋天的颜色和冬天的庇护所在西北."因为在事物的本性中, 如果全国网赌正规平台正确地考虑, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.——马丁·路德Three trails wind their way across campus giving students, 教师, staff and visitors eye-pleasing and peaceful views of colorful foliage.  The trails are: The Gaunt Trail, the Tower Trail and the Chatauqua Trail.Trees along the various trails have markers indicating what species they are.以冈特之家命名, the Gaunt Trail begins on the south side of Hudson Hall and contains 39 species.Northwest's Arboretum won the 2000 Communitree Award "for exemplary stewardship of community trees."The Communitree Award was presented to the Missouri Arboretum by the Missouri Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council and the Forestry Division of the Missouri Department of Conservation in 2000.Biodiversity is a top goal for plant accession at Northwest since Dutch Elm Disease killed off many of the elm trees on campus, 哪一个占多数, 20世纪70年代.塔径环绕着大学钟楼, the oldest section of the Northwest campus. The trail begins east of 罗伯塔 Hall and contains 32 species.The Chatauqua Trail was named after the area surrounding the Mary Linn Performing Arts Center, 那里曾经被称为查塔夸公园. 每年, traveling entertainers would visit Maryville and perform in the park, where locals would camp out to enjoy the entertainment. The trail begins near the northeast corner or North Complex (Cooper, 道格拉斯和学院),有31种.The trees growing in the Missouri Arboretum give Northwest a welcoming feel and visitors to campus get a sense of entering a residential neighborhood rather than an institutional environment.Many alumni support  the 全国网赌正规平台 Arboretum by dedicating a commemorative tree to a student, 一位教授, 工作人员或亲人.300美元的礼物可以买一棵纪念树, 它的种植和初期护理, 并协助维护它的生命周期.Northwest's lovely Yoshino Cherry Grove was one of many tree groves hit hard during the 2007 ice storm, 它摧毁了校园里的许多树木.  However, alumni rallied to replace the trees during the successful Arbor Day 2008 Drive.Northwest has long billed itself as the "most beautiful state university campus" in the state of Missouri thanks to its landscaped tree-lined campus.“我看到一片树叶的那一天,是奇妙的一天.——肯尼斯·巴顿"To me a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.——海伦·凯勒"To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.——Mohandas K. 甘地"Trees are the earth's endless effort to speak to the listening heaven." ~Rabindranath TagoreNorthwest trees provide shade and shelter for many wild creatures including squirrels and a wide variety of birds.The campus design was inspired by the Forest Park design for the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair which evolved into the campus for Washington University.日晷是由J.R. 布林克于1928年进入西北州立师范学院.  布林克的女儿们在1964年修复了日晷.  The "shadow clock" is north of the 憔悴的房子 on the Gaunt Trails.  It is made from a French siliceous rock, known as a "buhrstone," and Nodaway County pebbles.  The buhrstone originally came from France in 1848 and was assembled in St. 路易斯,莫.Northwest employee Johanne Wynne Fairchild began a process of cataloging the trees and setting up the trails in 1979.

The Missouri State Arboretum is located on the campus of 全国网赌正规平台. 植物园里有125种以上的树种, the majority of which can be originally attributed to the work of one man, J.R. 边缘. Superintendent of Construction and Maintenance at the Northwest Normal School.

边缘 planted 300 trees a year starting in 1917 until his retirement in 1928, which resulted in a dense forest that quickly became known as "边缘's Forest" and covered all land that did not have a building on it.

西北有三条独立的植物园小径可供观赏, 最著名的是冈特小径, 以托马斯·冈特的名字命名, who owned a plant nursery on the property in the 1880s.

The Gaunt trail begins on the south side of Hudson Hall and contains 39 tree species.

塔径环绕着大学钟楼, 哪个是西北校区最古老的部分. The trail begins east of 罗伯塔 Hall and contains 32 tree species.

The Chatauqua Trail is so named because around the turn of the century, much of the area surrounding the Mary Linn Performing Arts Center was called Chatauqua Park. The trail begins near the northeast corner or North Complex and contains the 31 tree species.